Tickets by Asset Report

The Tickets by Asset Report shows ticket volume by asset and is designed to help you pinpoint the assets with the highest volume of tickets. You can filter on customer and site.

  1. Click on Reporting - Tickets by Asset to display the report page (the report is automatically run on the default filters):
  2. At the top of the report, the date and time that the report was run is displayed, along with the date and time the cache will expire (15 mins from the time the report was created):

  3. Choose your reporting criteria from the following filters:
    • Date range - Start and end date of reporting period
    • Customers - Filter by the customer(s) with whom this ticket is associated. Choose All customers (default) or choose one specific one.
    • Sites - Filter by the customer site. Select All Sites or choose one from the list.
  4. Click on Update to run the report and display matching results.
  5. You can export the report to either CSV, XLSX or PDF by selecting from the Export Report dropdown:

    You can also schedule this report to run on a specific day - See Scheduling a Dashboard Report.

Once the report has been generated, the data is cached for 15 minutes to save time building the report. This means that if you run the report again within 15 minutes, the cached data is used - after 15 minutes the report is built using new data.